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Sharing Scripture — November 2, 2024

The Testimony of the Samaritans

For use: October 27 – November 2, 2024
Texts: John 3:26–30; John 4:1–42; Jeremiah 2:13; Zechariah 14:8; Ezekiel 36:25–27

“No matter what you’ve said, done, OR believed … Jesus Saves. Jesus LOVES. Jesus Forgives,’’ Nala Ray, a former adult content star, shares in her video testimonial. Prior to accepting Jesus as her Savior, Nala Ray comfortably sat in the top 1 percent of earners on the subscription-based adult website OnlyFans.

Ray admits that although she enjoyed the extra income from OnlyFans, she realized that working in the adult-entertainment industry was giving other people control over her life.

“It’s truly horrifying to be a woman and have men take a percentage of you showing your body on the Internet. It’s just like having a pimp. … It makes me want to fight all the more to help women understand that this is not where you want to go,” she explained in an Instagram post that was later quoted by the New York Post.

Additionally, Ray fights for more than freedom from the adult-entertainment industry. She wants to see others accept Jesus as their personal Savior too.

And she believes that the most effective way for her to share Jesus is to share her testimony.

The online model transitioned from posting explicit content on OnlyFans to posting inspirational and testimonial faith videos on TikTok. Ray’s TikTok account boasts a regular following list of over 578 thousand – and has received over 9 million “likes”. Her testimonial, which features footage of her baptism, garnered over 4 million views.

She also shares in some of her videos and Instagram posts that her husband continues helping her grow in Christ. Rather than objectifying her, he treats her with respect, regularly prays over and with her, and constantly reminds her of God’s promises found in the Bible. He shows her real, unconditional love that reflects the love and character of Christ.

Of course, many TikTok commenters question Ray’s claims, seeing her transformation as another desperate ploy for attention. Some even falsely claim that she is beyond saving.

However, most applaud Ray’s decision to accept Christ and to change her lifestyle. One of the most popular comments posted in response to her testimonial reminds viewers that the gospels reveal that the love of Christ can change anyone – including Mary Magdalene and the Samaritan woman at the well.

Like Ray, the Samaritan woman, due to her messy love life, faced similar discrimination from those who claimed to be waiting for the Messiah. Not only was she outcast by the Jews for her mixed heritage and for worshipping at Mount Gerizim, but was outcast by her own people.

To avoid their hateful gaze and whispered gossip, she attempted to fetch water at the hottest part of the day when no one would be around.

To her surprise, she met a Jewish Man Who asked her for a favor (and in those days, it was expected that the requestor would reciprocate with a favor). Shocking her further, Jesus knew her past, and instead of condemning her, He offered to reciprocate her generosity with everlasting life. The purity of His love offered her freedom from interpersonal conflicts and sin!

Ecstatic, she left behind her water jar and ran back to her town, joyously and eagerly sharing her testimony in hopes that others would come and see the Messiah (John 4:28-30). Many believed her and welcomed Jesus, even inviting Him to stay with them. Through their time with Jesus, many more Samaritans came to believe His own words, pointing them to accept Him as the Messiah (John 4:39-42).

And now, the testimony of the Samaritans – the ancient believers despised by the Jews – timelessly stands to witness to us today. And if it hadn’t been for the one broken woman at the well, we might not have this story to help lead countless others, Like Nala Ray, to Christ.


For Reflection


Connecting: Hulk Hogan. Kanye West. Justin Bieber. Kat Von D. Nala Ray. Is there a danger present in the growing list of celebrity conversions?

Sharing: Visit Nala Ray’s TikTok ( What is your first impression, and what would you say to those who openly question her transformation?

  1. She is clearly in an ongoing transformation; I would tell them changes don’t happen overnight.
  2. I’m unsure. I think we all need to just wait and see.
  3. She is a powerful witness for growing God’s kingdom; I would tell them Christ can change anyone.
  4. She sure is colorful; I would say that, changed or not, she’s entertaining.
  5. Changed or not, she’s preaching the gospel, and that’s what I would tell her haters.
  6. Other:

Applying: How do different languages, racial backgrounds, cultural customs, and economic status impact the way you witness? Pray together in your small group and/or with select peers for God to help you individually, and as a group, in overcoming these obstacles.

Valuing: Consider your own testimony and all the people involved to getting you to where you are today. Now picture yourself in another’s story, and envision the impact you can have. Has God used your testimony to influence another individual? Pray that the Holy Spirit helps you share your testimony of Jesus when God calls you to do so.

~ Stefani Leeper

Excerpt taken from Barna Research, “Connecting the Spiritually Curious to Christ.”

As of November 2023, a remarkable 82 percent of U.S. adults say they believe or are open to the possibility that a spiritual or supernatural dimension exists. Additionally, 74 percent express a desire to grow spiritually, and 79 percent affirm their belief in a higher power. This spiritual openness, potentially heightened by the global events of recent years, represents a significant opportunity for meaningful engagement.

In his new book Faith for the Curious, Mark Matlock builds on Barna’s multi-year Engaging the Spiritually Open research, providing strategies to cultivate curiosity and foster meaningful spiritual conversations with people of all ages, stages of life and of different faith backgrounds.

Source: Barna Research, “Connecting the Spiritually Curious to Christ.”

The Center for Creative Ministry is fully recognized by the North American Division (NAD) of the Seventh-day Adventist Church; it is also a 501c3 nonprofit organization which makes donations tax deductible in the U.S.


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