Sunday, February 23 2025 - 9:03 PM

Sharing Scripture — May 7, 2022

The Roots of Abraham


For use: May 1 – 7, 2022
Texts: Genesis 12 – 14; Isaiah 36:6, 9; 48:20; Jeremiah 2:18; Hebrews 7:1–10


Everyday heroes are all around us and prove that any one of us could become someone’s champion, just like independent filmmaker Payne Lindsey.

The creator of the podcast “Up and Vanished” sought to document the story of Tara Grinstead, and yet as he dove into the details, he not only began working with investigators, but also became Tara’s advocate.

Thanks to his coverage of her case and stirring up new leads, Ryan Duke is now standing trial for Tara’s murder.

Lindsey is now a full-time podcaster focused on bringing justice for families of missing persons–despite the fact he is not a trained investigator, journalist, or even podcast host. In “S3E1: Secret Breaker” of “Up and Vanished” he says, “These are people I really care about. … Even though I find it hard sometimes to shake that imposter syndrome inside me, what actually keeps me going every day is my empathy.”

Abram was another everyday guy who found himself in an unfamiliar situation of constant travel to new lands, leaving behind his Chaldean past for the land of Canaan. Because of his faith in God, Abram, though elderly and not without his flaws, was willing to leave behind what he knew in pursuit of something greater.

And, because of Abram’s faith in God and his empathy, he permitted his nephew Lot to have the first choice of the land, and implored God on behalf of the Sodomites. Abram, a nomadic sheepherder of sorts, even went on to lead a small coalition to save Lot from evil captors. To top it off, this simple man became the father of a nation.

We can only imagine the imposter syndrome he would have felt if he didn’t give God the credit. And perhaps nobody felt the imposter syndrome more greatly than Moses, a murderer and stutterer who argued with God about his ability to lead the Hebrews out of Egypt.

The point is, God crafted these two flawed and ordinary guys into Hebrew heroes. What more will God do with us when we take up the cross of Jesus?


For Reflection


Connecting: Because he knew God would provide, Abram let Lot take the prime land for himself. Where do we draw the line between generosity of spirit and being walked over?

Sharing: Why did God ask Abram to make such a journey, leaving behind everything that made him who he was?

  1. To serve as an example that we must throw off the old self and become new, receiving grace by faith
  2. Abram was predestined to be the ancestor of Jesus
  3. To test Abram’s faith, as he was a rare believer in the land of the Chaldeans
  4. To reward Abram’s faith
  5. To start a new nation not influenced by pagans
  6. Other:

Applying: Abram’s journey to Canaan is similar to the experience of overseas missionaries. Get in touch with a church leader and find out how you can connect with a missionary to offer encouragement, such as through letter-writing, care packages, prayer and online fellowship.

Valuing: Abram was willing to leave behind his family, heritage, and land to follow God, yet abandoned Canaan for Egypt during a drought, and even lied about his relationship to his wife. He seems to have forgotten his whole mission! What is something in your life that contradicts your heavenly mission? Pray for vision to see a path around the roadblocks.


~ Stefani Leeper
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