Friday, March 14 2025 - 12:15 PM

Sharing Scripture — May 18, 2024

Motivated by Hope


For use: May 12 – 18, 2024
Texts: 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18; Matthew 24:27, 30, 31; 2 Peter 1:19–21; Daniel 8:14; 9:20–27; Ezra 7:7–13

Disabled Knoxville resident Dennis Walker finds himself short $530 in monthly benefits after his electronic benefits transfer (EBT) card was hacked back in January.

Despite taking immediate and continual action, Walker did not receive his replacement EBT card. The delay likely resulted as a disconnect between the Department of Homeland Security (which combats fraud), the EBT vendor, and the Tennessee Human Services Department.

Walker pulls some hope from the fact that the Tennessee Human Services Department is investigating Walker’s case. He’s been given no timeline for resolution.

“It’s kind of hard right now,” he shared with Don Dare of Knoxville’s news station WATE. “It’s a struggle. But by God’s grace we’re making it.”

Waiting is rarely easy, especially when indefinite and when accompanied by hardship. It’s something that all Christians experience as we wait for the Second Coming of Christ.

In fact, the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation reveal that Christians live in one of the longest, most anguish-filled waiting periods of human history. No one, not even Jesus, knows the day or the hour that this time of the end will draw to a close (Matthew 24:36).

However, we can anticipate the Second Coming by studying God’s Word, and we can cling to the hope that arises from Christ’s promised return (John 14:1-3).

It won’t be easy, but when we stand firmly with God, we can join Walker in claiming that by God’s grace, we’ll make it.

“And it will be said in that day: ‘Behold, this is our God; we have waited for Him, and He will save us. This is the Lord; we have waited for Him; we will be glad and rejoice in His salvation.'” (Isaiah 25:9, NKJV)


For Reflection


Connecting: How would you feel if you were suddenly unable to care for your immediate needs? Would your first inclination be to trust in God?

Sharing: Why is Christ taking so long to return?

  1. The gospel hasn’t reached every people group
  2. We have yet to see a sinless human besides Jesus
  3. We have not yet sunk into total depravity
  4. Christ is still cleansing the sanctuary/participating in the judgment
  5. All of the above
  6. Other

Applying: What helps you through the waiting period until the Second Coming? Discuss with a trusted peer. If the Holy Spirit inspires you to do so, prayerfully share your message with someone struggling to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Valuing: Consider the source(s) from which you draw hope. Will you be able to stand firm in the final crisis? How can you ensure that you will stand sealed for God?

~ Stefani Leeper

Your Center for Creative Ministry Team

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