The Promised Son
Mary Wilkinson is one of those people with enough multipotentiality to make just about anyone jealous. The athlete not only excels at team sports, running, and cycling, but also at health sciences and…wait for it…sheep farming!
While Wilkinson does seem to have naturally occurring talent in athletics, many of the skills she acquired came from more than genetics: uncurbed energy and a desire for control. Whether dealing with loss of her brother or an injury that would change the course of her life, finding and honing that next talent provides her with that sense of control and drive.
If her plethora of titles and determination have your head spinning, just wait until you hear about those of Jesus Christ. Christ is the radiance of God’s glory and exact representation of who God is, while simultaneously acting as God’s Son, a King and “appointed Heir of all things,” Creator, Savior, and Judge (Hebrews 1:1-4, Hebrews 4:13).
And despite holding so much power, Christ is also a Lamb who, though blameless, suffered and died to atone for the sins of the whole world. And in terms of other job titles acquired, Jesus was also a carpenter (Mark 6:3) and teacher (Matthew 9:11).
Unfortunately, many of the titles given to Christ were misinterpreted from prophecy. Instead of anticipating a spiritual guide, Israelites believed that the promised messiah would fulfill the earthly definitions of those roles. They sought a king who would sharpen his diplomacy and leadership skills to bring Israel to political glory. They, like Wilkinson, thought that meeting those requirements would bring them control when they felt most lost in life. Little did they imagine that the reigns their messiah holds stretch beyond the scope of the physical world.
For Reflection
Sharing: Was it necessary for Jesus to be a carpenter?
- Of course Jesus needed a job because it reveals the human nature of the Messiah.
- It’s actually symbolic for Jesus as the Creator.
- Yes, for economic reasons.
- No, but being a genius creator and artist, He couldn’t give up His pastime.
- We may never know.
- Other:
Applying: Take some time this month to prayerfully review your interpersonal communication and/or public speaking skills with the goal of being a more effective witness in 2022.
- Sharing Scripture for personal reflection or to prompt interaction among friends
- A quick snapshot of the Adventist community on any given topic from research reports
- AdventInnovate video reports on what’s trending in our denomination and forming the future
- iFollow, a seminar guide on discipleship for you to share with your congregation
- And any of the other services we make available to you