Tuesday, March 25 2025 - 11:41 AM

Sharing Scripture — August 6, 2022

Struggling With All Energy


For use: July 31 – August 6, 2022


Nonadherence with psychiatric medication guidelines is one of the leading causes in ineffective psychiatric treatment and therefore continued psychiatric illness. Nonadherence includes the inability to receive treatment based on factors such as adverse side effects, religious beliefs, and cost. Unfortunately, it also includes the sudden discontinuation of treatment. 

This abrupt disruption can and usually does lead to withdrawal, increased psychiatric distress, and even physical illness.

We see this happen all the time.

“Approximately 40 percent of individuals diagnosed with bipolar disorder do not consistently take their medications,” states Erin Demmer of “Health Digest,” highlighting findings from a 2021 review published in “Psychological Medicine. “

Often it is the lack of social support and the inability to adhere to a regular schedule for taking the medication that cause the inconsistency. Improvements in health can also contribute to patients’ erroneous belief that the prescription is no longer necessary.

You may not like what I’m about to say, but … walking with God is the same as struggling to keep up with a necessary prescription.

Walking in the Spirit can be challenging as we learn to live in the world, and not of the world. Our media and secular circles turn skeptical eyes on us when we counter the culture. There are days that we just don’t have the time or the good humor to spend a few minutes in the Bible. And when we are thriving in life, and are overcome with bravado in our success, we can forget Who gave it to us in the first place and leave God on the sidelines.

Jesus is the antidote to our human condition. Focusing on the Godhead requires diligent perseverance and disciplined will. As Paul so aptly reminds the believers at Colossae, we must struggle with all the energy God works within us (Colossians 1:29). In our struggles we are not without God’s presence; we are able to fight with God’s power.



For Reflection


Connecting: Hot button debate: Should followers of Jesus take medication to deal with illness, or rely strictly on the power of prayer?

Sharing: With the all-powerful God fighting our battles for us, what part do we play in the struggle?

  1. We are our own antagonists
  2. We must let the Spirit circumcise our hearts and then we will be zapped into changed beings
  3. Our faith
  4. Our good deeds as a result of heart transformation by the Spirit
  5. It is a combination of God’s power, our faith, and our will to give up what holds us back
  6. Other

Applying: Where do you sometimes tell God to hold back and wait on you? Start/add to your prayer journal with a request that you will relinquish control to God. If you are comfortable doing so, find an accountability partner so you can build each other up where each is struggling.

Valuing: What are your stumbling blocks? Can you cut them out and cast them into the fire (Matthew 5:29-30), or do they require a deeper change such as a circumcision of the heart?


~ Stefani Leeper
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One comment

  1. Thank you for this. I needed the reminder I need to apply what it suggests to my life badly.

    I have always been good at managing my life (so I thought), In god’s grace and mercy, He let my life fall apart. That type of self-sufficiency and preservation got me into a HUGE rut of hopelessness many years ago. (I was a functioning Robot (crossing off every T and Dotting every I in my aim for perfection) Busy busy busy, then, boom! life is out of control Falling into a the slippery slope of not Giving God complete access and control over my life, resulting in dry bones..

    For the record, That is not where I am today, but reading this post and the prompts reminded me of a time when I had no hope. I was like the bible reads, “Hope deferred makes a heart sick” I was in a spiritual coma that lead to a complete life breakdown God’s doing, He wanted to “recreate in me a new heart, a heart after His own heart.”.

    The prompts given reminded me of my need for daily retrospective/inventory., to Surrender my fears, concerns, hopes, disappointments, burdens, and failures to God. He cares for me and wants what is best for me. My part is to let go and listen to His small voice (Applying ALL that He has already provided) and walking by faith and obedience to His known will and be willing to wait on Him, Tarry when I don’t see tangible evidence of any improvement in the areas I struggle. Putting my faith in Him, that He will provide everything needed in each situation that it will bring Him glory and blessing to me so that I can be a blessing to others.

    My most recent self sabotage looks like this.
    I have been feeling a bit insignificant and neglected, dismissed and, in my mind, feeling unliked. The enemy uses every angle he can get, doesn’t he? I know that my identity and value comes from God. I am loved by my husband and even though I am 2,100 miles away from my closest family, (My children) in fact, I don’t hear from them as often as I would like . I do the reaching out. They are pleasant and respond with kind and loving words. I then start feeling this way everywhere I go, church, even with my own husband who is sweet and attentive, loving and faithful. These insecurities rise up. That leads to me thinking of myself far too much. I don’t like that. I am serving God and others, I know that I am loved, and nothing is different, except my perception.

    I need to look at my part and not expect things from others that are due to my own unhealthy feelings and distortions of the facts. If I were surrounded by friends a family every day, would I still feel the same about missing them? Regardless, I know that I am a beloved child of God.
    #5 It is a combination of God’s power, our faith, and our will to give up what holds us back. I shared with my women’s prayer group this morning. I am looking at my contributions to loss of connection and unhealthy need for acceptance. What can I cast in the fire. Well, as I have been studying in this Sabbath School quarterly, The Crucible. We all go through trials, pain, loss and struggles. I need to daily surrender to the Lord and endure these afflictions as a means to build holy character. I need to be grounded in the truth and not let my mind take me away from that due to distortion of facts. Abiding in the Lord knowing that He cares and will never leave me nor forsake me. He is my joy and author of my salvation, in Him can I trust.

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